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What Kind/Type Of Formats We Except?
You can send us guest post in several formats, including Word documents or HTML files.
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All in all we usually take between a day to a week to publish a post once we receive it. If we find problems with any guest posts we send out an email to the author to let them know about it. We also send out an email to the author to let them know when a guest post has been published.
How Can You Send Your Guest Posts To Us?
Please email all your guest posts to vikastipsonline@gmail.com. While sending an email make sure to add the guest post as an attachment along with other requisites.
What Will We Provide:-
Additional Things We Will Require?
In addition to the guest post please include all the images minimum one or maximum 5 used in the post as separate attachments.
All in all we usually take between a day to a week to publish a post once we receive it. If we find problems with any guest posts we send out an email to the author to let them know about it. We also send out an email to the author to let them know when a guest post has been published.
How Can You Send Your Guest Posts To Us?
Please email all your guest posts to vikastipsonline@gmail.com. While sending an email make sure to add the guest post as an attachment along with other requisites.
What Will We Provide:-
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If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us at the above email address !!
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us at the above email address !!
Vikas Agrawal